
~ Karen Wallis ~

Artist Karen Wallis
" I graduated from Teesside University with a BA Hons in Interior Design and then went to Durham University to get my teaching certificate. For many years I combined art and teaching. However, when my own sons went off to university, I realised I could then devote myself to painting. I have always admired the Pre- Raphaelite painters, especially the poetic and romantic images of Rossetti, Millais and Waterhouse. The wonderful, haunting work of the contemporary artist Israel Zohar continues to be an inspiration. For me, drawing is the foundation for all my work.  Every figure is individual and this process allows the artist to observe and express the character of the model. I use mixed media to create quick studies and fully worked drawings which can then be used as a reference for paintings. The drawings can be seen in the Originals Page of the Gallery. I begin each painting with a loose drawing in compressed charcoal. I then paint in thin, monochrome glazes to establish the tonal range of the painting. When this is dried thoroughly, I add colour with more thin scumbles and glazes. I paint in either oils or acrylics, often finishing with impasto knife work, dragging the background into the figure and vice versa. The concept of combining fine art and abstract elements creates a unique image which is traditional in manner, but has a very contemporary edge..."

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