
~ Raymond Leech ~

Artist Raymond Leech
Great Yarmouth, 1949

Raymond Leech --- Website

From 1965 to 1970 he studied Art & Design at Great Yarmouth College of Art.In 1980 he co-founded the Pencil Point Design Consultancy,a specialist firm of designers and illustrators from which he recently retired.
During 1986 Raymond exhibited for the first time at the Royal Society of Marine Artists at The Mall Galleries,London from where he won the Charles Pears Prize for the best non-members work. The following year he was elected a full member.Raymond works to commission and his patrons include the Sultanate of Oman.His work ha also been exhibited at the Royal Institute of Oil Painters
and his work has featured in exhibitions in the USA, Jersey, London and other leading provincial galleries.His work is held in private collections throughout the world.

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