
~ Roz McQuillan ~

Artist Roz McQuillan
Melbourne, Victoria - Australia

Roz McQuillan graduated from R.M.I.T. with the Diploma of Illustration, and worked in children’s book illustration for many years. She has had a passionate interest in portraits and the figure since childhood, and works in a number of mediums, including pastel, charcoal and conte, pen and ink, gouache, watercolour, acrylics, pencil, photography, mixed media, and currently, oils.  Her work, including commissioned portraits and nudes, is represented in many private collections, both Australian and International, and she has won a number of prizes and Highly Commendeds.  Roz convenes painting and life-drawing groups at Brighton Art Society in Melbourne, and has tutored in portrait drawing. She has studied oil painting with Peter Churcher, Lee Machelak, and Maxwell Wilkes, and drawing with Harold Freedman, Geoff Dupree and Godwin Bradbeer. 

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