
~ Harry Holland ~

Artist Harry Holland
Glasgow, 1941

Harry Holland --- Website

Harry Holland trained at St. Martin’s School of Art from 1965-69. Since the seventies this extraordinary classical artist has had over thirty solo exhibitions and figured in countless group exhibitions worldwide.
Harry Holland is widely regarded as one of Britain's best craftsmen, who works with uncompromising commitment and sincerity to produce art that is intense and rewarding.
His style is distinctive and immediately recognisable, something which every artist seeks. The paintings are suggestive in the sense that they imply situations, events, or relationships that are not directly expressed; this imbues them with an engaging sense of mystery.
Not surprisingly, his work has developed a substantial international following amongst collectors and has found its way into numerous important public collections world-wide including the Tate Gallery, British Museum, Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, National Museum of Wales, National Portrait Gallery Canada, Welsh Arts Council, European Parliament Collection, Belgian National Collection and the Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge.

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