
~ Craig Srebnik ~

Artist Craig Srebnik
American artist

Craig Srebnik --- Website

Craig Srebnik’s artwork has earned twenty-nine national awards, including three Awards of Excellence from the Oil Painters of America; the President’s Award from the American Impressionist Society; Best of Show from the Academic Artists Association and Texas Art Museum; and First Place from the National Society of Artists and Hilton Head Art League; has appeared in American Artist, American Art Collector, American Art Review, Art & Antiques, Art Business News, The Art Guide, The Artist, Art of the West, Art World News, Carrie Leigh’s Nude, International Artist and Southwest Art magazines; in over sixty national juried and five museum exhibitions; and in galleries throughout the United States and in Europe.  “My goal is to distill a visual or personal experience to its essence and express my vision in the most eloquent terms—elevating it into the realm of the poetic.”  Currently teaching at his Oregon art academy and across the U.S., Srebnik has conducted art workshops at eighteen art schools and colleges, plus art museums in the U.S. and France. These include his "Secrets from the Masters" art workshops, The Artist’s Viewpoint museum and gallery tours, and seminars on contemporary art, collecting and marketing artwork.  Srebnik is producing books based upon his experience as an artist and teacher—painting, composition, anatomy, art and art history, art collecting and developing a career in fine art.

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