
~ Arkady Ostritsky ~

Artist Arkady Ostritsky
 Kishinev, Moldova, 1948

Arkady Ostritsky --- Website

He was recognized very early as gifted in drawing and painting and by the age of 20 was accepted in Moldova's most distinguished Art Academy - the Rapin Art Academy. He graduated with distinction, earned many awards, and became one of his country's most important painters. He was chosen to paint numerous monumental works in public institutions, and created many large frescos. He also became a distinguished art teacher and many young artists came under his tutelage.  When the gates of the USSR opened he traveled extensively through Europe where he fell in love with Europe's buildings and architecture, particularly those in France. This love affair continues today, even after his immigration to Israel.  As with all Israeli landscape painters, his use of Mediterranean light is a powerful unifying force in his work. He has had numerous one-person and group exhibitions in galleries and museums throughout the USSR and Europe, in addition to several exhibitions in the U.S. and most recently in Japan.

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